Good News Around the World

by Margarida Silva

The world has been changing but there is a lot of good news. One international organization shows that the levels of pollution have been decreasing. The planet is breathing better than in the past. Also, in India, the population can see their monuments and breathe better air and feel healthier. The Indian people can see the Himalayas that they haven’t seen since the Second World War, and this is wonderful.

The animal life also has been changing, because deforestation and forest fires have stopped, and the animals have returned to their normal lives. Among the endangered animals, breeding occurred, and the species are no longer so affected. I read in the article that in an Australian Zoo an endangered animal was born. It is phenomenal!! The ecosystem is recovering, it is good news. Regarding animals, the absence of people in their neighborhood streets can allow some wildlife to explore the city.

The world isn’t only filled with bad news!!


Caros Alunos,

Dear Students,

No âmbito da Emergência de Saúde Pública derivado à COVID-19, e com o desenrolar da situação epidemiológica mundial, estão a ser implementadas medidas preventivas por forma a combater esta situação. Estudos comparativos em circunstâncias de epidemia mostram que o fecho preventivo tem maior efeito quando comparado com o reativo.

Due to the Public Health Emergency caused by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak around the world and now also in Portugal, measures are being taken by the authorities to deal with the situation and keep everyone safe. Scientific studies show that in times of epidemics it is better to close places of public gatherings to prevent the spread of a virus.

Deste modo, queremos, em primeiro lugar, tranquilizar todos os alunos da ASL que, apesar de não se registar nenhum caso entre os nossos alunos e staff, a direcção da American School decidiu tomar as precauções necessárias face ao panorama actual e suspender temporariamente a sua actividade lectiva (aulas de grupo) por um período efectivo de duas semanas (tempo recomendado pelos organismos oficiais) de 16 a 29 de Março.

Therefore, we wish to reassure all the ASL students that there aren’t any cases of students or staff members infected with the virus. Even so, the school board has decided to take the necessary precautions and temporarily suspend group classes for a two-week period, from March 16 – 29.

Como resultado desta decisão, vão ser afectadas as seguintes aulas até ao final do trimestre:

– Segundas e Quartas: dias 16, 18 e 23/03 (3 aulas)

– Terças e Quintas: dias 17, 19 e 24 (3 aulas)

– Sábados: dia 20 (1 aula)

 As a result of this decision, the following scheduled classes will be affected:

-Mondays and Wednesdays, March 16, 18 and 23 (3 classes)

-Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 17, 19 and 24 (3 classes)

-Saturdays, March 14 (one class)

Compensação das aulas canceladas e trimestre de Abril-Junho’20:

Para saber como compensar as aulas mencionadas, todas as dúvidas, esclarecimentos e procedimentos a seguir, por favor contactar os nossos serviços administrativos por e-mail ( ou para os números 21-314 7000 ou 96-790 7035.

Cancelled classes and April-June trimester.

To know more about how to compensate the above mentioned classes or if you have any other questions, please contact our administrative services by e-mail ( or by phone 21-314 7000 or 96-790 7035.

Certos da vossa compreensão pela decisão tomada face a esta emergência, gostaríamos de sublinhar que o fazemos porque o bem-estar de todos é a nossa prioridade e esperamos ter a vossa companhia no próximo trimestre que terá início nos dias 13, 14 e 18 de Abril, já livres de preocupações 😊

We thank you for your understanding of our decision in this emergency. The well-being of our students is our main concern and we hope to see you back again next trimester starting on April 13,14 and 18. We hope the situation will be resolved before then. 😊

A Direcção e Staff

Board and Staff

American School of Languages