Aviso – Suspensão Actividade Lectiva Presencial nos dias 30/11 e 7/12

Caros alunos,

No cumprimento da regulamentação aprovada, estando Lisboa inserido na lista dos concelhos de risco muito elevado, a direcão da American School of Languages informa os seus alunos que as aulas presenciais previstas para os dias 30 de Novembro e 7 de Dezembro vão ser exclusivamente on-line, por forma a dar cumprimento à diretriz governamental, citamos:

Renovação do Estado de Emergência

Dando sequência à renovação do Estado de Emergência por parte do Presidente da República, que estará em vigor a partir das 00h00 de dia 24 de novembro, o Conselho de Ministros decidiu:

  • Atualizar a lista de concelhos com risco elevado de contágio. As medidas para combater a Covid-19 serão aplicadas consoante a situação epidemiológica verificada em cada concelho. Assim, e seguindo os critérios determinados pelo Centro Europeu de Prevenção e Controlo das Doenças (ECDC), distinguiram-se quatro níveis de gravidade da pandemia:
    • Moderado: Concelhos com menos de 240 casos por 100 mil habitantes nos últimos 14 dias;
    • Elevado: Concelhos com um número de casos entre 240 e 479 por 100 mil habitantes nos últimos 14 dias;
    • Muito elevado: Concelhos com um número de casos entre 480 e 959 por 100 mil habitantes nos últimos 14 dias;
    • Extremamente elevado: Concelhos com mais de 960 casos por 100 mil habitantes nos últimos 14 dias.
  • Para todo o território continental:
    • Proibição de circulação entre concelhos nos seguintes períodos:
      • Entre as 23h00 de 27 de novembro e as 5h00 de 2 de dezembro;
      • Entre as 23h00 de 4 de dezembro e as 5h00 de 9 de dezembro;
    • Tolerância de Ponto e suspensão da atividade letiva e apelo à dispensa de trabalhadores do setor privado nos dias 30 de novembro e 7 de dezembro;
    • Uso obrigatório de máscara nos locais de trabalho.
  • Para os concelhos do nível de risco “elevado, além das medidas aplicadas a todo território continental:
    • Proibição de circulação na via pública entre as 23h00 e as 5h00;
    • Ação de fiscalização do cumprimento do teletrabalho obrigatório;
    • Manutenção dos horários dos estabelecimentos (22h00, salvo restaurantes e equipamentos culturais às 22:h30).
  • Para os concelhos dos níveis “muito elevado” e “extremamente elevado, além das medidas aplicadas a todo o território nacional, aplicam-se também:
    • Proibição de circulação na via pública entre as 23h00 e as 5h00 nos dias de semana;
    • Proibição de circulação na via pública aos sábados e domingos entre as 13h00 e as 5h00;
    • Proibição de circulação na via pública nos dias 1 e 8 de dezembro entre as 13h00 e as 5h00;
    • Nos dias 30 de novembro e 7 de dezembro, os estabelecimentos comerciais devem encerrar às 15h00;
    • Ação de fiscalização do cumprimento do teletrabalho obrigatório;

Manutenção dos horários dos estabelecimentos (22h00, salvo restaurantes e equipamentos culturais às 22h30).

Gratos pela compreensão.

Lisboa, 23 de Novembro, 2020



Todas as modalidades de aulas da American School of Languages têm um desconto, que pode variar entre 12% e 37%, dependendo da modalidade escolhida. Para saber quais as entidades com acordo institucional estabelecido com a ASL consulte a nossa página ‘Protocolos’. Os descontos são aplicados aos colaboradores, sócios ou associados e seus familiares directos.

The Lottery: Four Students’ Musings

by Andreia Barata
If I won the lottery this week, I would pay my debts, help my family pay theirs, and then we would travel. First, we’d go to the Azores, to visit the 9 islands of the archipelago, because my father would love to go there, to see the beautiful green landscapes, the happy cows, the hydrangeas in bloom and the different lakes that exist on the islands. After visiting the Azores, we’d go to Cape Verde, to have a “food and drinks” vacation and relax.

With the other part of the money, I would like to help associations of children with cancer and those who suffer from domestic violence.

I would also like to buy land and have a guesthouse in the countryside, but the money from the people’s stays would be donated to these associations. However, there would be a prerequisite, they would have to drop off their phones and laptop computers in the reception safe when they checked in and these would be returned when they checked out.


by Marta
If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would open my own event planning Business, for weddings, birthday parties, baby showers and theme parties.

I’ve always wanted to have my own business, but a lot of money is needed for that. I love planning and organizing the dinner tables with savory appetizers, many different kinds of cheeses, bread, pates, different fruit and drinks.
The thing I like the most is decorating, thinking about every tiny detail. Everything must look beautiful and taste delicious! The colors must match each other and the environment.

Besides the food quality and the decoration, it’s fundamental to understand people’s desires. After all, it’s all about them. I would be very happy if this happened someday!

I hope your dream comes true one day!


by Margarida
If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would probably travel with my family and friends. We love to travel and learn about other customs, languages, and traditions. My favorite countries are South American, such as Chile, Argentina, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Peru. These countries are very interesting because they are different from the reality in Europe. In my opinion, these countries have great economic inequalities, but in Europe, it is the same in some countries. Like this, with a lot of money, I would invest in important places for these countries, such as hospitals, schools, host houses, and others.

In this part of the planet, the opportunities aren’t equal for all the population. In these places, there are some people that live below the poverty line, and this situation is more visible in and around the big cities. In my opinion, if people studied a lot, they would have a “word” in society because in a society without a good education system, it is easier for the presidents to control the people. However, for people to have better conditions, it is necessary to invest in them. The school support is perfect for the children and it will generate good people in the future. Education in the future is a reflection of the work we do today.

by Vitalina Macedo
If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would buy my dream house and my dream car. However, 15 million euros is a lot of money, so I would still have many millions more to spend.
With the rest of the money, I would give some of it to my family and, possibly, to a few special friends.

I would also like to travel around the world, and I would live in a special country, like Indonesia. I traveled to Indonesia 3 years ago and I fell in love with this country. And with a little more money, I would enjoy this beautiful country. And, possibly, I would buy a space to have a hostel and a Portuguese restaurant. For a few years, I think that I would change my life. With my current life, I don’t have the courage to leave everything behind, especially my job, and move to another different country. But if I won the lottery, I would have more opportunities to take risks.

I would also help some charitable organizations, especially organizations that help children.
And, since I know that the money ends fast, I would invest some of this money. But I would invest it in some things that could give me more pleasure. For example, I wouldn´t invest in companies whose activities I don’t have interest in. But I would invest in companies like hotels and restaurants, but I would have different hotels and restaurants, like in some special places, with special food and different experiences.

Imagine Your Life Without a Computer or Cellphone

by Margarida

Life without a computer or cell phone would be boring, to say the least. For the people who were born in the technology generation, it is difficult to “turn off” technology. In this situation, technology is a fraction of these people’s lives, that is, to use the computer or cellphone is the same as to eat or sleep. The use of technology is routine. However, technology can be addictive, that is, it has the same effects as drugs. People spend a lot of their time on the computer or cellphone, for example, to work, to watch a film or series, or simply to wait for public transport. Technology is an intrinsic thing for modern society, but it isn’t only a “pink world”, technology has its disadvantages.

Technology stole an emotional fraction from people and empathy for people. At the moment, through their computers, people attack other people very easily because they don’t accept the differences. Tolerance decreases with technology, people think that they can comment on anything they want about others. Today, I see racist, homophobic, sexist, and xenophobic comments, that is, stupid comments towards me, and I feel blue. Difference is good. If people were all the same, the world would be sad, boring, and uninteresting. The key is to respect others and show them tolerance and empathy.

However, technology has advantages such as meeting people, doing courses, and attending school while at home. The pandemic time with technology is easier than without it, because it allows communication with families and friends. You can watch a lot of series and buy from online stores. For me, it is perfect!

I spend a part of my time with technology, I work on my computer, I watch films and series and I buy a lot of things from the online stores.

Technology is a big and good invention, but the right balance is the key.

What Good Things Are Happening Around the World?

by Andreia Barata

With this Covid pandemic, there are things that have been positive, not all has been bad.

The first lesson we must learn is that we should be more concerned about each other and not just think of ourselves. How often do people ask us for help and we say no, sometimes just out of selfishness.

We must value the special moments we live; we are always under constant stress and we do not realize that we must enjoy the moments with our family and friends, we are always running. There is no time to enjoy a beautiful sunset with friends; the sea makes us calm. Also on the bright side, with this isolation, we are seeing a decrease in the amount of environmental and noise pollution in large cities.

Another issue we should be more concerned about is our physical and mental health. How many times do we stop going to the doctor or the gym? We end up not valuing what we feel because we don’t have time, but one day it may be too late. Also, you can work a lot from your home. Many times, instead of going to the office, walking, and driving in a constant rush, you can stay at home and have a calmer day.

Another lesson we can learn is to always protect ourselves with daily hygiene routines, so we don’t get this virus or any other. And we should have a healthier diet. Those who eat out every day in restaurants, even if they eat healthy food, are never as healthy as when they eat homemade food.

Is Life Without Technology Possible?

by Vitalina Macedo

For many people, it is impossible to live without computers or cellphones. Actually, these tools are essentials in our life. If you asked me: “Could people live without these machines?” I would answer, “yes, it is possible”. However, I would also tell you that people live better when they use computers and cellphones. Their lives are easier and more interesting.

When I was a child, my family did not have a cellphone nor any other phone in our home. And I remember that it was quite difficult because we were always going to our neighbor’s house to make a call. Now, with cellphones, we can call anyone at any time. And even better, today, we can use our cellphones to do many more things, because with android systems we can use very useful apps.

I only got my first cellphone when I was twelve years old. Sometimes, I think that I am “closed-minded”, because nowadays I think that children get cellphones when they are too young. Most of them do not have enough responsibility to use a cellphone and they are more vulnerable.

Computers are also important for our times. I cannot imagine our days without computers. I use a computer for nine or more hours per day. This machine is essential in my work and my life. Currently, with computers, we are more efficient because we can do some things faster than without computers.

Nowadays, with new technology, with a simple click, we are able to obtain the information that we need.
However, I also think that, sometimes, we should do a “detox” from technology, and try to live like people did in the past, without computers or cellphones. It also is important to breathe fresh air, to speak with people “in person” and take advantage of the time available with family and friends.

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

by Alexandra

What can we learn from this situation?

I think the expression “every cloud has a silver lining” means that everything has a positive part, namely the cloud can be very dark but there is always light around the corner, which means that something good is coming. This expression is applicable to this pandemic situation that all of us are living.

With this confinement, we learn new ways to live. We learn that our home can be the best place to stay safe with our family, we learn how to be present at work remotely. We teach our parents how to use a smartphone and make video calls through WhatsApp.

We learn valuable little things like having a coffee on the beach, going to the restaurant, the hairdresser, having dinner with family and friends. And I think that it’s a life lesson. We relearn how to help others. We learn that we need to be more like friends with our planet.

Since this pandemic started, the planet is healthier, and even the ozone hole is “closing”.
Maybe the world needed this opportunity to stop.

Life Without a Computer or a Cellphone

by Marta Rita

The computer and the cellphone are a part of my entire day, so it’s hard to imagine my life without them. The computer I use mostly for work, but the cellphone is my alarm clock, my appointment book, and the main way for me to communicate with my family and friends. Sometimes I use the computer to play Sims and watch Netflix, but I could live without that because most of the things I do on the computer, I can now do on my cellphone.

I could live without my cellphone only for a few days and only if I were with the most important people in my life. At this time, I could watch TV or read a newspaper to stay informed about what is happening in the world. I don’t consider myself addicted to my cellphone, but I like to follow some pages on social networks, about travel, food, fashion, and famous people. It’s a way to pass the time.

I think my life without a cellphone would be more full of books and meeting friends in the cafe to catch up!